The ALIDE Meeting will consist of the Opening Session, three plenary sessions to take up the agenda followed by discussions among the participants, the Meeting of ALIDE National Coordinators, a special Central American seminar, the Session on Institutional Matters, and the Closing Session. In the course of the Assembly, Special Lectures will be delivered and Workshops held on current matters concerning the functions of the financial institutions.


Bilateral talks will take place concurrently with the sessions, where previously arranged encounters will offer development finance institutions an opportunity to put out feelers and/or arrange for business transactions, investments and financing with international banks and finance institutions in regard to projects and activities of shared interest.


Several seminars and workshops will take place during the General Assembly Meeting on emerging matters concerning activities of the financial sector


A seminar will be held on Tuesday, May 30th, to take up banking issues of special interest to Central American DFIs in regard to provide an overview of the situation in, to share experiences in finance, fund-raising, knowledge and cooperation between Central America’s Development Banks and those of Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as with the world’s foremost global investors, in regard to areas of great importance for the region’s development, like international trade and issues involved in building economies resilient to the new climate conditions.


In keeping with ALIDEu2019s By-laws, representatives of the member institutions will state their opinions about the Annual Report and Balance Sheet for 2022; the Work Program for 2023-2024; the 2023 Budget; and the venue for the next General Assembly. On that same occasion, the ALIDE 2023 Prizes will be awarded and the Bank of the Year will be honored. This session will be open to all participants attending the Meeting.


Prior to the Annual Assembly, on Tuesday, May 30th, the ALIDE National Coordinators will meet to share information about todayu2019s challenges and innovations in regard to the financing of the production and social sectors in our countries and our institutionsu2019 performance; discuss the ALIDE Work Program in support of the membersu2019 efforts; and propose initiatives for cooperation.